Intentional Wellness©™ Parenting with Aurelie Cormier: Creating Healing and Wellness Every Living Day

Intentional Wellness©™ Parenting with Aurelie Cormier: Creating Healing and Wellness Every Living Day

Every 3rd Tuesday  11:30am PT / 2:30pm ET

Have you felt sometimes that you work hard, do your best in your job and for your family, but there are days when you are just worn out and feel exhausted as a parent? You feel like your energy is drained, you are giving so much and wonder when you will feel rejuvenated again? I get that. I felt that way at several points in my life and yet I know that our life is meant to be happy, fun and rewarding so we can do more of what we love and dream and spend less time being bogged down in sickness, pain, suffering, conflict and heartache.

What if I told you that even our life is meant for joy, fun, energy, and good health? Of course, it doesn’t just happen but the first step to getting there is TO BELIEVE good health is possible, to Dream about what you would love and then choose the simple health habits that give our minds, bodies and spirits the nourishment it needs to work well. We can have a life full of good health, meaning and worthwhile experiences. I know that this is a very imperfect world here on earth, but it doesn’t have to be so hard. I have seen the results when my patients have decided to do what they can to overcome health challenges, to be cured of their diseases and go on to live a meaningful life.

As an example, I have spoken to a young woman, who at 17 years old, was diagnosed with a Stage III Malignant Melanoma that two years later returned and became a Stage IV Melanoma. It had spread from her right temple area to her spine, lungs and lymph nodes under the jaw and she was given about 7-10 months to live. She radically changed her diet and took an experimental medication from a Research Physician that her mom and aunt had found for her. Within a few months she went back to her original oncologist and after all the scans were complete, she discovered the radical diet change and experimental medication worked! She was cured, without any evidence of disease and that was 13 years ago!! Amazing.

This is one example, but if someone with a Stage IV cancer can heal and be cured of Melanoma through diet and an experimental medication, imagine all the people that could be prevented from developing disease in the first place!! Imagine the hardship, the myriad of doctors appointments and tests that could be averted and the financial burdens that could be prevented if an individual decided to implement some of these simple strategies at the outset!! That is truly the miracle-Prevention, not Cure!!

It is estimated that there are over 2 million people in the US who will be diagnosed with cancer this year. Did you know that between 600,000 and 1 million of those cancers are preventable (roughly 30-50%) and the best time to take action to prevent those cancers is during Critical Periods of Growth and Development. Our epigenetics can be affected by our diet, exercise, stress, drugs and environment. Therefore, the best time to make a difference is when our babies are growing in utero, in young childhood and adolescence. Honestly though, it is never too late to make a difference for our good health. If you have a personal or family history of cancer and want to explore and take action towards living your best life with good health, join our community. As I learned over time, the first step is to decide what your dreams are, set your goals and take action in a Community of Support to give yourself the best chance for success. In the beginning, it is easy to feel that we can do this ourselves but over time we have learned that the best way to make a lasting change for good is through the encouragement of a supportive community of those committed to your good health! This is what I would love to help you with!

If you would like to find out what you can do to give you & your child a better chance at a healthy life, contact me


Aurelie Catherine Cormier host on transformation talk radio

Aurelie Catherine Cormier NP

Intentional Wellness©™ Parenting with Aurelie Cormier: Creating Healing and Wellness Every Living Day Every 3rd Tuesday  11:30am PT / 2:30pm ET Have you fe...

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