Guest Profile
Tahverlee Anglen
Tahverlee is a Priestess of the Wild, creating bold spaces to evolve our voices and consciousness.
She walks with the blood of Athena in her veins, a conduit between the underworld and the cosmos,
and she’s here to guide soul-level work.
As a High Priestess, Ritualist, Initiate of the Sacred Way, and Eleusinian Rites, she works deeply with her
Irish ancestors and wise circle of guides.
She bridges barriers to connect with spirits who have passed on, living with one foot in the otherworld
and one foot firmly rooted in mother nature. She holds others to the essence of their highest potential.
She is a business expert and spiritual leader, a social impact entrepreneur, podcast host, and
accomplished speaker – someone who pushes the edge of society’s assumptions, continually redefining
what it means to be a warrior, woman, healer, and witch.
Tahverlee holds space unconditionally as a fierce seeker of truth. She is both the Temple Keeper at the
Moon Temple Mystery School and a student of life. While holding the Sword of the Initiator, Tahverlee
commingles light and darkness to cut through the bindings that limit our own beliefs. She is a trusted
leader who puts us in touch with our most genuine self-expression and ignites spiritual growth.
Mama to Joshua and Hannah, Tahverlee walks hand in paw with her healer wolf-pup, Hammer.