Guest Profile

Sarah Salisott

Sarah Salisott is a Certified Parent Coach whose passion is helping families with children who have experienced trauma or struggle with attachment.

She started The Foster Lane Parent Coaching in 2016. Her goal: Use coaching to help others avoid some of the parenting challenges her own family faced.

She’s spent over 1,500 hours researching trauma, children’s brain development, parenting strategies, and foster and adoptive parenting. She successfully completed the masters-level Parent Coach Certification program through the Parent Coaching Institute®, completed the initial training in Theraplay™, and continue to attend conferences on trauma-informed parenting.

Now she works with parents to help remove barriers to reunification as well as support the parents of children working toward other permanency options. Advice/dp/1098352955/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2E5A86U3DRJNS&dchild=1&keywords=welcome+to+the+foster+lane&qid=1622151838&sprefix=welcome+to+the+foster%2Caps%2C205&sr=8-1
